Friday, October 2, 2015

Looking Back

     I decided to look back at some earlier chapters in The Shining during English class and reading back made me remember of so many of the elements at play with this book to bring out the meaning to telling parts of the back story. The untimely end to it all is seen through more and more as we see through Jack's life prior to the book's initial events. 
     Even Wendy's life is shown, with the narrator exposing us to the dysfunctional past and family that Wendy was forced to be in. The thoughts of her bad relationship with her mother and marriage life mimicking that of her divorced mother and father begin to dawn upon her as she becomes more oblivious, blaming herself for the anger problems of Jack and for many other issues surrounding her life. 
      Stephen King seems to do a very well job at using small events, flashbacks, and other elements to bring his story together and to life. Locations are shown to us and the set of characters we come to know expands, with the reader having a different opinion of each one, giving the entire story a sense of immersion, beginning to feel the emotions going through certain characters that may match up to you in personality.

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